Ellsworth Township, Ohio

Ellsworth Township Crime Reports:
Monthly reports that also can be found on Facebook, Western Mahoning County Crime Reporter

posted June 10, 2019

Well, as you can see, the warmer weather brings out the cockroaches. Please keep your lights on, eyes and ears open and doors locked.
1. 4711 Weaver Rd for a Breaking and Entering report. A zero turn tractor stolen from yard and attempted entry into garage. Investigation pending
2. 14665 Akron Canfield Rd. for a Burglary report. Suspects cut into garage and stole two Motorcycles. Came in from railroad tracks and loaded into a truck. Then left on four wheelers down railroad tracks. Evidence sent to BCI for testing.
3. Berlin Causeway for a domestic dispute. Father and child dispute. No charges filed
4. 13850 Akron Canfield Rd. Third grade teacher thought to have been intoxicated at school.
5. 4433 S. Pricetown Rd for a Breaking and Entering report. Barn on property broken into. Several items stolen. Scene processed and evidence sent to BCI. Waiting on results

Ellsworth Township crime reports for March 2019:
Happy to report another slow crime month. We are fortunate indeed. 
Thank You to our policing agency, The Mahoning County Sheriff's Dept. for all they do in our school and on our streets. Report any suspicious activity to them at 330 259 1731, then post here !
-4680 S. Bailey Rd. for a criminal damaging report. Damage caused to residents vehicle
-8870 Huxley for a theft of drugs. Prescribed medication taken from unlocked vehicle

These are the March Crime Reports for Berlin Township. Please remember that with the warmer weather the scum comes out of the cracks and goes on the prowl. 
Please keep your doors and windows secured and lights on to keep them guessing.
1. 17542 Shilling Rd for an assault report. Mary Groff stated she was assaulted by Christopher Mountain. Victim followed up by refusing to press charges.
2. 16533 Shillings for a theft report. Money was stolen from his house. Numerous suspects that come in and out of residence. Investigation pending